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Downtown Castle Rock Business Highlight: Riverwalk Dental Arts

Welcome back to another Downtown Castle Rock Business Highlight! July may be over, but we are excited to continue to have weekly Wednesday Business Highlights so we can continue to #CelebrateCastleRock. Today we will be diving deeper into another new business in Downtown Castle Rock! We will be learning more about Riverwalk Dental Arts.

Riverwalk Dental Arts joined the community in late January of this year! They are located right off of the lobby inside of the Riverwalk Apartments, at 115 Wilcox Street, Suite 123.

Riverwalk Dental Arts believes in always providing the best dental care specific to each individual patient’s desires and needs. They have strived to create a warm, welcoming and family-like dental environment. The office believes in learning, growing and excelling as a team. Every day they do their best to make a difference in the lives of the patients that they treat.

You can keep up with everything that Riverwalk Dental Arts has going on by checking out their social media pages and website listed below:

  • Instagram: @riverwalkdentalarts

  • Facebook: RiverwalkDentalArts

  • Website:

The Downtown Castle Rock Alliance had the opportunity to sit down with Katie Johnson, a Doctor of Dental Surgery and owner of Riverwalk Dental Arts. Here are some of the questions that we got to ask Katie.

Why did you choose Downtown/what attracted you to owning a business in Castle Rock?

  • The close-knit community was the most attractive part of Castle Rock and lead to me owning a business here. I love that everyone in town is connected, and there is still very much a small-town feel.

Tell us the story/background of your business. How did you end up running a business in your industry?

  • I graduated from Dental School in 2008 and have been practicing in Colorado since 2009. As I have continued to practice, I always knew I wanted to do more for my profession. I had an opportunity to open Riverwalk Dental Arts and to bring on Dr. Erica Beaty to help support her in her dreams and goals.

Favorite thing about owning a small business?

  • My favorite things about owning a small business is getting to know and interact with the wonderful people that we get to meet and care for.

Favorite place to visit in Downtown Castle Rock?

  • The Farmer's Market, in the summer is my favorite place to visit in Downtown!

Favorite day of the year to own a small business?

  • Every day, we feel so lucky to own a small business!

What’s the easiest way customers can support your small business right now?

  • We are open and accepting new patients! We are open Mondays 9-6, Tuesdays 8-5, Thursdays 7-4, Fridays 7-3. We would love to see you in our office! We offer a wide range of dental procedures including, but not limited to: Invisalign, white/tooth colored fillings, check-ups and cleanings, gum care, veneers, crowns, Glo Whitening treatment. We can be reached by phone: 720-638-8093 and by email:

Be sure to stop by and welcome them to the community and #supportlocal. Riverwalk Dental Arts can be reached by phone at (720) 638-8093 and by email at

Help us #CelebrateCastleRock by liking, sharing and supporting #DowntownCastleRock Businesses.

Do you have a favorite business in Downtown Castle Rock? Email and tell us what Castle Rock Business you would like to learn more about for a chance to have them featured on our next blog!

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