During this unprecedented time, our local businesses need us now more than ever. Here are a few meaningful ways that you can support small businesses in Downtown Castle Rock:
Buy Gift Cards
Buying gift cards gives financial support to businesses now and gives peace of mind that customers plan to return. Check social media channels from your favorite restaurants and retailers or give them a call to see what gift card options are available.
Shop Online
Visit a retailer or restaurant's website to shop online. Many Downtown businesses are adding online options or offering discounts or free delivery on products. Even if a retailer does not have an eCommerce site set up, they may be just as happy to take an order over the phone, so make sure to call and ask.
Order Takeout or Delivery
Castle Rock businesses are changing their offerings to accommodate the changing environment with COVID-19. Many restaurants are offering curb-side pickup and delivery with discounted or free delivery. Consider leaving an extra tip to show workers you appreciate their hard work.
Local merchants that offer carry-out meals and nonperishable items may have less foot traffic than the grocery store. Consider buying these products now to enjoy later.
Write a Review and Engage Online
If you find yourself spending more time online right now, consider engaging with local businesses by leaving a Google, Facebook or Yelp review. In addition, like, follow and comment on social media posts.
Use Credit Cards and Digital Payment
Remember that many businesses are discontinuing cash sales and that digital payment solutions and credit cards are encouraged at this time.
Be Patient and Show Your Appreciation
Businesses may be operating with limited staff. One great way you can show support for your favorite local spot is to let them know you care. Send a business a thank you note or spread kind words on their social media pages.
Remember that even small actions from community members can help our local businesses. Please visit the COVID-19 page on our website for local alerts and business assistance options, as well as our Facebook page for updates on merchant promotions, delivery options and other information about Downtown Castle Rock.
The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance is a partnership between the Downtown Merchants Association and Downtown Development Authority. The DMA and DDA share a collective vision of a vibrant and prosperous Downtown.
If your favorite local restaurants are offering takeout or delivery, consider ordering meals from them to support their continued operation. geometry dash