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Wondering if your business can be open?

The last day of the State’s Stay-at-Home Order was April 26.  The State’s Safer-at-Home begins today on April 27.  Cities and Counties can be more restrictive than the State but not less restrictive than the State, so we recommend that you first read the guidance from the State CDPHE for what is allowed, then refer to County and then to Town level guidance.

At this time the Town of Castle Rock is following the Douglas County, Tri-County and State Guidelines.

Here is a list of each authority and their Covid-19 business guidance: 

State CDPHE (scroll to the guidance by sector)

Tri County Health (DougCo is following Safer-at-Home)

Douglas County Order  (click “a countywide plan” is following Safer-at-Home)

Town of Castle Rock (Following guidance from Tri-County Health and DougCo – No additional restrictions)

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