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Downtown Castle Rock Business Highlight: The Barn Antiques and Specialty Shops

Welcome back to another Downtown Castle Rock Business Highlight! We are excited to continue to highlight local businesses each Wednesday so we can continue to #CelebrateCastleRock. Today we will be diving deeper into another vital business in Downtown Castle Rock! We will be learning more about The Barn.

The Barn joined the community in May of 1998. We have been so happy to have them in Downtown Castle Rock for 22 years! The Barn is located at 400 Third Street.

The Barn offers a unique shopping experience in the heart of historic Downtown Castle Rock. When you walk into The Barn you many feel many things. Among these feelings, could be a sense of comfort as if you have just come home. The Barn offers antiques for the lover of vintage, women’s and children’s clothing for those who love to keep up with the most recent fashion trends, home décor for the decorator in everyone and an impressive array of unusual items from around the globe to fit anyone’s taste.

You can keep up with everything that The Barn has going on by checking out their social media pages and website listed below:

The Downtown Castle Rock Alliance had the opportunity to sit down with Catherine Haigh. Here are some of the questions that we got to ask Catherine.

Why did you choose Downtown/what attracted you to owning a business in Castle Rock?

  • In 1998, Castle Rock was still a very quiet, small town. I imagine tumbleweeds rolling down 3rd Street on Sundays when I think of Downtown 22 years ago. It occurred to me then that Castle Rock was well placed on the I-25 corridor almost equidistant from both Denver and Colorado Springs. I just had a feeling that the community would really grow one day, and I wanted to be a part of that growth.

Favorite thing about owning a small business?

  • My favorite thing about owning this small business is watching the success of the small businesses that make up The Barn. Small business is the backbone of this country and I want to support that premise, so assisting small business owners in their success has always been a passion of mine. Many of the shops at The Barn have been doing business there for a decade or more. I have one shop owner, Paw Paws, that has been in The Barn for 20 years. We love seeing them grow and succeed!

Favorite day of the year to own a small business?

  • The best day of the year to own a small business is the annual Starlighting event.

What is something unique that people may not know about you or your business?

  • When The Barn first opened in 1998, a local winery from Salida opened a shop upstairs. In 1998, liquor could not be sold to the public on Sundays but, because of a little known post-prohibition law in Colorado, wineries could have up to 3 remote locations that served as 'tasting rooms' that also sold bottles of wine...even on Sundays! This Sunday attraction helped immensely to bring customers into Downtown Castle Rock and The Barn specifically!

What are the easiest way customers can support your small business right now?

  • Visiting The Barn is one great way to support small business in Castle Rock. The Barn houses roughly 25 unique small businesses just waiting to show off their new and vintage furniture, home decor, clothing, jewelry, books and much, much more. The Barn is open every day (except Thanksgiving and Christmas) from 10am and 6pm. A Magical Shopping Experience is waiting for you! Come visit us today!

Help us #CelebrateCastleRock by liking, sharing and supporting #DowntownCastleRock Businesses.

Do you have a favorite business in Downtown Castle Rock? Email and tell us what Castle Rock Business you would like to learn more about for a chance to have them featured on our next blog!

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